Different cultures certainly have different nudity taboos, and one sometimes gets the feeling in the United States that people from other regions are laughing at the prudery behind our backs, especially Europe.
What exposure counts as indecent is a product of a society's mindset more than any underlying human cause. Indeed, the very sight of the female nipple is so damaging to the male psyche that the cost of healing their psychological damage is $550,000 if you let one slip at halftime during the Super Bowl. note As in a patch which is glued to a nipple, not an Irish pie or a Cornish pastry. (Never mind that mammalian nipples actually help nurture minor children instead of harming them.) The United States Supreme Court upheld an ordinance requiring strippers to cover it under a pastie. The sight of it is so Harmful to Minors that you must click a release to see it on the Internet. Although media can safely display 99% of the female breast note though probably not at the same time and every part of the male breast, female nipples note That is, the areola and the actual mammary opening almost guarantee an R rating from the MPAA.